Welcome to Prints for Peace

We are a team of international photographers based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Our goal with photography is to expand people’s perception of the natural world by capturing its wonder and preserving its beauty in our collective memory. Each photograph on this website reflects a privileged moment of our lived experience. By showcasing these scenes, we hope to inspire a sense of responsibility for preserving our planet’s beauty for future generations.

We are committed to driving meaningful change by raising funds for humanitarian relief and green initiatives, acknowledging that many of the landscapes depicted have been impacted by conflicts or climate change. 90% of our proceeds are donated to trusted organizations, with the remaining 10% allocated toward maintaining our platform. If you would like to contribute your photos or join our team, please reach out through our contact page.

Price Breakdown:

Printing cost + $50 donation = Total

For example: if a photo costs $100.90, the printing price was $43 (+ $7.90 for shipping), and $50 was added as a donation. The $50 is a fixed amount added for every print and it is donated as follows:

  • $45 is given to humanitarian relief efforts and $5 is put towards paying for the website.

Team Members:

Aydin Tasevac

Santiago Sierra

Jayde Adam

Aubrey Peterson